Barcode Inventory
Fast & Accurate Picking

Looking for a faster approach to pick and deliver item?

Use your andoid phone as barcode scanner.

  1. Goto your product location, 
  2. scan product barcode, 
  3. specify quantity to pick, 
  4. hit a button, 
  5. on hand quantity updated instantly.

You may have 20 android phone performing picking at the same time, it just works. perform picking, fast, accurate, affordable, flexible, you'll love it.

Normal vs Barcode Operation

Normal Operation

  1. [10:00] Salesman call in to check stock quantity
  2. [10:30] Salesman send in order by whatsapp / wechat
  3. [10:35] Sales clerk to create SO
  4. [10:50] Store keeper to pick item in SO and update quantity by writing
  5. [11:20] Store clerk to update on hand quantity and print DO 
  6. [11:30] Prepare for delivery

Staff required are salesman, sales clerk, store keeper, store clerk.
And time taken to complete the process is 90 minutes.
Plenty of mistake, salesman stock enquiry may not be accurate.

Barcode Operation

  1. [10:00] Salesman to check stock and create SO by phone (auto generate DO)
  2. [10:05] Store to print new DO
  3. [10:35] Store keeper scan barcode to pick item in DO and update quantity on hand
  4. [10:45] Prepare for delivery

Staff required are salesman, store keeper.
And time taken to complete the process is 45 minutes.
Real time inventory for salesman, no typo error.

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